Home World More than 100 venomous snakes removed from Sydney back garden

More than 100 venomous snakes removed from Sydney back garden

More than 100 venomous snakes removed from Sydney back garden

One hundred and two venomous snakes have been removed from a suburban back garden in Sydney.

David Stein called experts after seeing six snakes moving around in a pile of mulch and discovered that red-belly blacks pile on top of each other before giving birth.

Snake catcher Dylan Cooper was drafted in the same afternoon and bagged up five adults and 97 babies.

Pic: Cory Kerewaro/AP

Reptile Relocation Sydney said two of the adults gave birth to 29 snakes in the bag while the clean-up was still taking place.

Company owner Cory Kerewaro said the highest number he’d heard about in a similar job was 30 non-venomous carpet pythons.

However, that snake hatches from an egg whereas red-belly blacks give birth.

“You can get a decent number like that when the babies are hatching,” Mr Kerewaro said. “But to have this many venomous snakes, no one’s come across it.”

Pic: Cory Kerewaro/AP

The species normally has a litter of between four and 35 young.

Snake expert and author Scott Eipper said the snakes might have grouped together for safety or due to a shortage of suitable habitats to give birth.

“This is an isolated incident. It’s certainly a very rare occurrence,” he said.

The snakes have started a new life in an undisclosed national park after authorities granted permission for them to be released.

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“Because there was such a large number, obviously people were a bit concerned where 100 snakes were going to go,” Mr Kerewaro said.

“They’ll be far enough away to avoid any human interaction: 100 snakes are going into the middle of the bush in the middle of nowhere,” he added.

Meanwhile, Mr Stein has vowed to get rid of the mulch as soon as possible after being warned the snakes could return if it’s not shifted.

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